Who is a creationist? They are not necessarily a scientist, although many of them are. It is someone that looks at the beauty, symmetry and complexity of that around them and is profoundly moved to thanksgiving. It is one who manifests childlike wonder and sense of awe when viewing a bird, a butterfly or any of God’s creation and the inner knowing that it is not an accident that got it here.
Through the beauty and manifold complexity of that around us God made it abundantly clear He had a hand in all this, as Romans chapter one clearly points out. And the closer we look, the more apparent His creative power is evidenced. As we study and learn more and more about what are called the “most primitive” forms of life, we see that the complexity and design of even these organisms are off the charts, marvelous and wondrously made.
And yet to be creationist or to adhere to creationism does not make one “unscientific”, but rather asserts that one understands that God created the laws of the universe that science is the study of. A creationist believes that there is a harmony between scientific evidence and the scriptures since both speak of God’s works. This creationist site deals with the scripture primarily and secondarily how it relates to science.
There is information here regarding the Book of Genesis, Intelligent Design, faith and a community section which provides a means of finding additional resources. The Word is truth and therefore the point of origin and standard for anything we need to know anything about, including the origin of things created.
Intelligent Design theory has done much to demonstrate the fallacy of evolution. Behind and beyond this movement is the wonder of nature itself in its magnificent complexity. All of our understanding of the subject of God’s creation is meaningless if we do not come to know the Creator Himself. God’s most wondrous work is the one He will do in you when you know and accept His plan of salvation.

What is clearly understood by observing God’s creation is now being realized in scientific research:
But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you; Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you.
Who among all these does not know
That the hand of the Lord has done this?
Job 12:7-9
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